
电影 9.4
地 区:
类 型:
喜剧 剧情 运动 耶鲁
年 代:
演 员:
Christine Ajisafe Lian Chang Chike Chukwuma Abe Danz David Mills Boynton
导 演:
Meredith Finkelstein
简 介:

here are 10 million games in the naked city - board games, mind games, gender games, drinking games, video games, gaming the system, mating games, role-playing games, and games of chance. A nuclear scientist practices for her baton competition. Video game addiction fractures a lesbian couple. An alienated office worker plays games of life and death. Everyone plays games, whether they know it or not. We humans have come up with many ways to pass the vacant hours. Two actors try on different roles in order to connect to their characters. An alienated dwarf with a gambling addiction talks to his bookie, an equally alienated creature, who is late for yoga. A group of friends gathers to play a board game and gossip. Some hospital orderlies go into a back room to play a drinking game with an imaginary ball. What draws them all together? Each game provides us with a glimpse into our diversions - light and dark. 展开>> << 收起

地 区:
类 型:
喜剧 科幻 时间旅行 恶搞
年 代:
演 员:
克里斯·奥多德 马克·伍顿 迪恩·里侬斯·凯利 安娜·法瑞丝 Meredith MacNeill
导 演:
简 介:

游乐园工作的雷(克里斯奥多德 Chris O’Dowd 饰)沉迷于时间旅行,在工作中因吓坏小游客而被解雇。朋友皮特(迪恩里浓斯凯利 Dean Lennox Kelly 饰)和业余作家托比(马克伍顿 Marc Wootton 饰)在“恐龙汉堡店”扮恐龙打工,毫无前途。三人晚上来到酒吧打发时光,雷突然遇到一位叫凯西的美女(安娜法瑞丝 Anna Faris 饰)。凯西自称来自未来,是专门负责寻找时间漏洞的技术员,她来此是拜访名人,因为雷在未来将是“伟大的雷”,并著有《时间旅行手册》。皮特和托比不相信雷遇见了“未来美女”,认为他是异想天开编排电影。皮特去卫生间小解,没曾想竟偶然进入了时间漏洞,出来后发现酒吧全是死人,包括他自己。惊慌四措的皮特将雷和托比也拽入了漏洞,从此开始了一系列前后穿梭的时间旅行冒险。 展开>> << 收起


钻石单身汉 第一季

电视剧 7.3
地 区:
类 型:
年 代:
演 员
Trista Rehn Meredith Phillips Jennifer Schefft
导 演
Mike Fleiss
简 介:

一群24到32岁的钻石级王老五   帅,有钱,非常好的事业,浪漫,各有个性   不过他们追女孩的方式完全不同   他们之间为一个女孩展开无情竞争   会发生什么呢?   ABC播出的真人秀节目带你进入浪漫世界。   -sonychen注   The Bachelorette is a reality television dating game show that debuted in 2003 on ABC, which took the runner-up date from the first season of The Bachelor (Trista Rehn), and let her choose a husband. The 2004 season of The Bachelorette again took the runner-up from the pre... 展开>> << 收起

